Invest in the best people you can afford. Even amongst entry level. Especially amongst entry level staff! They underpin the whole of your finance function and provide the controls that instil confidence in the team.
And make sure you have the right people doing the right jobs. Don’t get hung up on job titles. We can help you with differences between a Finance Director and a Financial Controller so let us come and pick your brains on what you want your new recruit to do and we can find you suitable candidates.
Some of the skills, knowledge and positive attitude inherent in good candidates are not always apparent from their CVs. We will help draw these out of you and provide an honest assessment (and recommendations) of the types of role and environments that suit you.
We will prepare you for your interview, including where relevant, advice from our own FDs, to improve your chances of a successful placement.
Need help with finance recruitment? Get in touch today
We’ll help you find the best solution for your business with the help of our experienced recruiters and qualified Finance Directors.