
If you’re looking for some advice on the structure of your finance team, then please get in touch and we’d be happy to help.

If you know what you’re looking for in recruiting into your finance function, whether it be CFO/Finance Director or someone within your team, then please click through on one of the sections below to see how we can help.


We’ve specialised in turnaround situations for a number of years and indeed many of our Directors have been Finance Directors in both large and small turnaround businesses.

Part-time FDs

At what point do I need a Finance Director? What’s the tipping point of turnover when I need someone a bit more senior in finance?

Part & Qualified Finance

Turning the numbers into something meaningful. This is the key step in turning data into information, and building up support for decision-making.

Senior Finance

Finance Directors, CFOs, call them what you will. These are the people that lead. They challenge the MD in private and support them in public.

Accountancy Practice

Supporting businesses across the UK, the right appointment for your accountancy practice is critical to its success.


There can be a variety of challenges in a business that fall outside of the scope of the day-to-day.

Finance Specialists

We connect businesses with good finance people. Get in touch today to find out how we can help your finance team.