Headstar team volunteers at Hull Animal Welfare Trust as part of ‘Donate A Day’ initiative

The team from Leeds-based finance recruitment consultancy, Headstar, recently donated a day of their time to support Hull Animal Welfare Trust, a charity that seeks to care for and rehome unwanted pets.

Headstar’s 12-strong team of volunteers wasted no time in getting stuck in, helping with everything from preparing food, washing dog baskets and cleaning out rooms, through to sorting donations, raking leaves and delivering supplies to the centre’s charity shop in Hull.

The team also found time to bond with the centre’s dogs over walks and socialise with the cats – with one member of Headstar’s team striking up such a bond with one of the feline residents, Milo, that she ended up adopting him and taking him home.

Donate a Day initiative

The Donate A Day initiative is part of Headstar’s employee wellbeing programme, with the team using it as an opportunity to support charities in the region and give something back to local communities. The company has been running the initiative for several years and over that time the team has had the chance to support Yorkshire Wildlife Trust with a spot of gardening and get their hands well and truly dirty at Ledston Luck nature reserve.

Speaking of the day and the new addition to her family home, Rachel Porteous, a senior consultant at Headstar, said:

“It was a privilege and a dream come true to have the opportunity to support a charity that does so much to transform the lives of hundreds of cats, dogs and other small animals each year.

“I’m a huge cat lover, so getting to spend the day with lots of them didn’t feel like work at all and what was the best working day of my life was topped off by being able to adopt one of the shelter’s gorgeous cats and bring him back to his forever home.”

Hull Animal Welfare Trust

Sue Sewell, Chairwoman at Hull Animal Welfare Trust, said:

“We’re hugely grateful to the Headstar team for giving up a day of their time to come and provide us with some much-needed support.

“We’re committed to providing the dogs and cats we see with the highest level of care, and it’s support from the likes of the Headstar team, along with the many donations we receive, that enables us to continue to do that.”